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    You need this towel in your life because people are fucking gross.

    Your hands are clean, so you might think that most functional people would have also mastered the simple act of washing their hands. But you would be wrong. Oh so very wrong.

    Wash Your Fucking hands 100% cotton tea towel by Bad Grandma Designs.

     100% cotton dishtowel; shown folded

    The truth is that people, on the whole, are nasty. Not the fun “let’s-see-how-many-jelly-beans-I-can-put-in-my-butt” nasty, but instead the “I-picked-at-my-toenails-right-before-making-you-a-sandwich” kind of nasty.

    Thick, stacked sandwich speared onto a knife.


    This hand towel is the antidote to those freaks (and you know who they are) who will inflict their dirty paws on unsuspecting friends and co-workers - say, shaking your hand after they just enjoyed a deep scratching of their taint and balls. Not today, Mr. Stinkfist. NOT. TO. DAY.

    Surprised looking man.

    We see you, Larry from Accounting. You ball-scratcher, you.

    And if you are worried that the eff-bomb on the towel might be too caustic for your delicate little ones to see, remember this: The average child of eight-and-under has zero problems sticking their funky little hand in the shared family popcorn bowl immediately after digging in a nostril like there’s goddamn Godiva buried there.

    Sweet looking smiling child.

    Area child thinks dried nasal mucus add a piquant flavor to all manner of salty snacks.

    Since you can’t be there at all times to remind friends, coworkers, and children this towel will say it for you: WASH YOUR FUCKING HANDS.

    Because people are fucking gross.

    About Bad Grandma Designs

    Bad Grandma Designs makes irreverent dishtowels that occasionally perform a public service, as in this case. Because we clean-handed bitches gotta stick together. You can see the whole Bad Grandma dishtowel collection at www.badgrandmadesigns.com. Wholesale inquiries welcome.